A.N.T. Farm Wiki

[Hey! More people asked questions last post, so keep it up! You can still ask stuff to the other main ANTs, so keep that in mind. Mostly Olive though! If you don't ask anything, I have back-up questions now. I stay prepaired! Oh, and this blog won't be as regular. I may post everyday, every two days, twice a day... iregular!

Previous Post]

10:51:33, September 3, 2012, 21st century, 3rd milenium[]

OK, so I'm at Chyna's house. Fletcher is here, too. We're studying. In theory. So I got questions again! So I guess I'll answer them.

The first one is from Yaninaromero12. It reads: What do you think of Principal Skidmore? Wow, where do I start? Well, she has a tendency to threaten murder upon me, and kicked me out of the 'End Hunger Today Club'. She gave me detention once for breathing too loud during a meeting. She once sent her raven after me because I walked in on her trimming her nose hair... I f I listed everything else it'd take 12 more blog posts.

It's Fletcher! This question is for me, from Anonymous. They say: Fletcher- would you kiss Violet? I think you just asked me a death-trap. If I say no, Violet would kill me. I I say yes, Violet would kiss me. So, maybe. If Violet got less insane.

It's Olive again. Anonymous also asked Violet if she'd kiss Fletcher. So, if you're reading this Violet, answer in the comments!


MildlyViolent66 says: Of course I'd kiss my Fletchy!!

DescendantOfDaVinci replies with: i was afraid you'd say that.

BornBeautiful<3:D says: i dout an1 wll since ths blog is megaaa lamme, bt u can ask me stuff 2

DynamitePurpleStar7 replies with: so you've given in. you want to be a part of this now too.
CAPSLOCKISSTUCKBTWI'MPAISLEY!! replies with: You cn sk me too! My o with line broke.